Tracy Pyle – Independent Midwife
Tracy Pyle – Independent Midwife
I believe that all women should be able to choose their own midwife and where they would like to give birth.
Working as an Independent Midwife allows me to practice the role of the midwife to its fullest extent. This way of working offers me incredible job satisfaction, and also provides amazing benefits for women & their families. Receiving one to one care from a known midwife is proven to increase your chance of having a ‘normal birth’ and reduce the use of obstetric interventions during labour.
I endeavour to make the women I support feel confident about their body’s ability and knowledgeable about the choices they make. I offer an individualised approach to care as every woman is unique.
Given time, privacy and the right support, I believe most women will birth their babies beautifully without the need for intervention.